My friend in Napa had NONE show up. Weird, eh?
I had bought a couple little decorations, but forgot to get photos of them: some bloody hand thick window decals for the glass on the screen door and an orange gauze-draped pumpkin lantern which I hung near the front door, where the hummingbird feeder used to be.
Since we all know how much I like theme dinners, here's what we had last night - we had butternut and bell pepper soup, italian breadsticks, apple slices with ricotta-gorgonzola dip (recipe courtesy Rachael Ray) and oatmeal pumpkin cookies for dessert, which were as good this time as when I made them a couple weeks ago.

We had thought about going to a haunted house, but since it's raining, we decided to forego that, and B suggested going to a movie this afternoon. I found that Clovis has a cheap theater (yea!), so we went to see "The Dark Knight" for $3 apiece. We will definitely be visiting again. Weird, though - the restroom is a single - isn't that odd for an entire theatre? Maybe the upstairs set is larger??? We both enjoyed the film and getting out - and B tells me that some yahoo drew parallels to this film with W and his cronies regarding the War on Terror. Please.
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