I am sorry I haven't been keeping up with this, but so many days I feel like I have nothing to say.
And now that I've started the job, I am too tired to keep up. I'm in bed by 8 - and "hopefully" by 7 each night. I just am not a person who's been given a lot of energy resources, so I need a lot of sleep anytime I have scheduled activities, even if that activity consists of only being in an office all day. Being around other people is draining, and talking, meeting, running things - takes a lot out of me.
Right before I started the job, I was able to schedule my yearly diagnostic tests (the 24th) - and one turned out fine... the other, the mammo, was questionable. Of course, my first thought was that all was ok, since I'd had to go back with my very first mammo a little over 3 years ago. NP called the very next weekday (which happened to be my first day of work, the 26th)) and told me to expect a letter from the Women's Ctr... so I figured I'd wait until the letter came. The day after that (27th) I got a call from the Coordinator at the Women's Ctr, who wanted me to come in "tomorrow," so I figured it was a little more serious. Thankfully, my boss let me take the entire day off so that I could drive to Fremont to get the recheck done immediately - but woo, 3 hours to Fremont, 2 hours with mammo, radiologists and ultrasound, lunch with Mom at Falafel. Etc and 3 hours back to Fresno. Thankfully B drove and went with me.
Mom and Kym were also at the Women's Ctr for moral support since they know I get anxious (heh) - Mom was in pink (aw) and Kym brought me a beautiful blue scarf that she made. I need to get a photo of it and post it. After all that, the determination was to wait 6 months and check that side again, and if all's the same, 6 months again for the regular bilateral. Most of what was seen was the same as in Oct of 2005, but the additional sono that day showed a new spot, potentially a cyst - the borders of which appear "textbook simple cyst" but whose interior may be unusual. So we'll see.
Work is going ok, and everyone seems really nice - but again, the energy thing - on top of not really knowing what to do and the employer not really knowing what they want me to do. They want me to get them into safety compliance but then they throw other things on me because they're in such chaos in terms of order - both on the $ side of things and generally knowing where things are. It's very tough and I feel lost.
Not even going to mention the church things, except that I can no longer attend my husband's midweek evening class, nor will I be able to attend midweek Lenten services because I will need to be in bed by the time they even start, much less attend then drive back home the 30+ miles.
So right now it's pretty much office and sleep. Can't really have dinner because I'm not up long enough for my food to digest before bed. But it's ok - I have a good enough lunch to carry over. I'm not hungry when I get home anyway.