I picked a lovely assortment of roses from the yard yesterday, so see, it isn't all bad.
Last week, one of the congregation members gave us many vine-ripened red globe and small yellow pear tomatoes. With the globes, I made two tomato-focused salads:
* chopped tomatoes * chopped onions * garlic * basil * EV olive oil * white balsamic

and a few days later
* chopped tomatoes * chopped onions * parsley * corn kernels * EV olive oil * honey mustard

Similar though they were to each other, there was enough variation to make it interesting. Sadly, I am allergic to tomatoes (migraine food), but I did sneak a bite of each, and they were delish - thankfully my wonderful husband thought so, too, as he is the one who had to eat both creations.
With the yellows, I made a sauce, which I think will be used in tonight's dinner. The sauce was super easy, too - just warmed up some light olive oil, tossed in some basil (which gave it a bit of a smoky flavor), added just a few chipotle flakes, let it all simmer to a nice mashy sauce, et voila!